Wander and Ponder: May, Lilacs, Cheese, and Flying

Happy May! 

I cannot explain it, but there is always something exciting about the first week of May. Perhaps it goes back to my childhood and how much I looked forward to the ritual of May Day. In grade school we would dance around the Maypole winding colorful streamers of crepe paper around the pole. 

Our teachers would encourage us to make paper doily cones or woven heart-shaped "baskets" out of colored construction paper to hold the bundle of flowers for a lucky recipient to find on their door. I would often "surprise" my mother with a knock on the front door, hang the flowers on the door knob, and then run away. Bless her. She would play along and when I would nonchalantly walk in the back door from school, she would act all surprised showing me what she found at the front door. 

Let's not let May Day be a forgotten tradition. 

An Ode to Lilacs: They are in bloom! I miss my old lilac trees I use to have growing at a former house. They bloomed in colors of white, a rare pink, and of course many shades of lavender and purple. I think I took those old trees for granted - that they would always be there for me that first week of May. The fragrance is one of the best smells on earth. 

Cheese: If you ever see a wedge or a round of White Stilton with Mango and Ginger, buy it. You won't be sorry. The sharp tang from the White Stilton, a protected designation of origin English cheese, and the sweetness of the fruit and spice is a pleasure on the tongue. It makes a fine cheese to enjoy after dinner and especially in the morning on a croissant. 

Take a Chance: Whether it is a change of career, retirement, a new home, a smaller home, a new and bold paint color for your front door, or even the possibility of finding love. Go ahead. Pluck one. Pluck a chance. They are yours for the offering. Sometimes it's okay to fly through parts of your life by the seat of your pants. 


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