It's the First of the Month: Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!

 And if you go chasing rabbits... Go ask Alice, I think she'll know" - Jefferson Airplane

No doubt by now you have seen this rabbit chant around social media. If not, where have you been? 

Old British folklore from the early 1900s claimed that if you say 'Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit' the first thing you wake up in the morning, on the first day of each month, you will have good luck all month long.

The exact origin is unknown, but through the years there have been variants of it. There have been dignitaries uttering these hopeful fortuitous chants, from British military author Sir Herbert Russell (1925) simply saying, "White rabbits" first thing in the morning to United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1935) confessed that he said "Rabbits" on the first day of every month. It's been explained that President Roosevelt believed in this legend so much, that he even carried his lucky rabbit's foot in his pocket. 

Does this practice really place good fortune? Well, it is fun, and if it enhances your morning with its whimsy, and what can it hurt? After all, we could all use a little positive and fun affirmations in our lives. 

Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit! 


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